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(13/26) 144 - CtagsSideKick: Improve Verilog support

This small patch adds two icons and support for them under Verilog. This patch is in unified diff against the head of the git repo. Sorry, I'm not sure what format you normally use, and I can't get git to connect to the project to pull a copy, I just pulled down the one file from the web service. The two attachements are the new icon files that need to be added to the Icons directory.

Submitted snarum-micron - 2012-08-15 21:19:47 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2012-08-15 21:19:48

CtagsSideKick.patch.gz (891B)

2012-08-16 14:20:03

Sorry, I thought I checked this into plugin patches tracker, not feature requests.